Who We Are

We are Workaholics | Your Exit Strategy is our expertise
Simply put, we are your timeshare exit strategy specialists. We are dedicated to helping you get rid of your timeshare forever—legally and at an affordable price. We are not timeshare haters…we just hate that when you want out, there’s no easy way. Whether you were bamboozled or you simply need an exit strategy, we’re here to help! Our company operates on an ultra-efficient business model to save you time and money. We truly are the affordable exit company.
happy clients
We also refuse to call ourselves a “consumer protection firm.”
Many companies in the timeshare exit business use that title. It’s intended to make you think they’re similar to a non-profit organization whose sole interest is protecting you the consumer.That’s simply not true. While many of us in the exit business are out to protect you the consumer, we are all in business to make a profit. To give any other impression is simply dishonest.

Who We Are Not
We are not a listing or resale company
If someone promises to sell your timeshare—run, don’t walk—to the nearest exit.Thousands of timeshares are listed online for pennies and no one is buying.If you own that rare timeshare that has some resale value, we will advise you on how to sell it without charging you a listing fee. Read what the FBI and Federal Trade Commission have to say about timeshare resale scams. FBI –Timeshare Fraud – https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2012/february/timeshare-fraud_021712 FTC –Travel and Timeshare Resale Scams – https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2013/06/ftc-dozens-law-enforcement-partners-halt-travel-timeshare-resale FTC – Timeshare Resale Phonies – http://www.consumer.ftc.gov/blog/be-lookout-timeshare-resale-phonies